Originally from Northern Alberta, Adelle Bernadette moved to Vancouver, BC in 1980 and raised her two children. With a background in Shamanic studies, she worked as a wood carver creating ceremonial healing pieces for First Nations Elders.
Following a life-altering event in 2002, Adelle turned to painting, resulting in the highly intuitive and spiritually infused paintings for which she has come to be known.
Her life experiences and her travels have deeply influenced Ms. Bernadette. Her participation in other cultures has provided her with new insights into the human experience and she enthusiastically incorporates these visions into her art.
Each painting begins with the old masters' technique of applying a monochrome base. Working intuitively, Adelle draws on the emotional memory of her experiences by applying countless layers of acrylic paint until her work vibrates with color and mood. The depth of her vision is reflected by her growing international reputation as her paintings continue to be acquired by private collectors worldwide.
"My greatest inspiration comes from connecting to the natural beauty and divine presence in all things. It is this that I deeply cherish and honor. When I work, I am transported into another realm of seeing and feeling, and it excites me when I can transport and expand the viewer's consciousness. By deepening our relationship with the ever-present life energy and spiritual source on this planet, we create the possibility of enriching and healing ourselves and each other. A spark within us unites us all: plant, animal, air, earth, fire, water and human. We are like the threads of a beautiful tapestry which has been woven over eons of time." -Abernadette